Digital Citizenship

At St David’s, we expect all pupils, staff and families to show safe and respectful attitudes to digital citizenship.

We believe that all children are entitled to an education of the highest quality which is relevant and challenging; set in a safe, secure and nurturing environment. We aim to promote positive behaviour and early intervention throughout all that we do, including on our digital platforms.

We promote the highest levels of citizenship so that the children can go forward with an independent joy of learning and skills which will serve them for life.

The principles outlined within our Digital Citizenship Acceptable Use policy help us to remain safe and protected across all digital platforms. Please ensure you are familiar and adhere to the expectations of our online community by clicking here

Mobile Devices

We understand that, particularly as pupils get older, mobile devices are an essential means of communication. Mobile devices must be switched off during the school day. If, for example in an emergency, a mobile device is needed to be used in the playground before or after school this should be done discreetly and photographs should not be taken. 

Pupils should hand their device into their Class Teacher upon arrival/ at the start of the school day (note devices are not permitted in Breakfast Club). All devices will be locked away for safe keeping. They will be returned to pupils at the end of the school day. Pupils are not permitted to carry mobile devices on school trips. 

The security of mobile devices is the responsibility of the pupil. The school is not insured for personal belongings and mobile devices are brought into school at the owner’s risk.