School Uniform

We expect all pupils to wear full school uniform. Wearing uniform is a badge of pride and shows the identity of our school. We are proud to be recognised as a school in the local community. Please therefore ensure your child is appropriately dressed for school in full uniform including shirt and school tie.


Uniform consists of:

PE kit consists of:

Pupils should wear their PE kit on their class PE day. Football strips and branded sportswear are not permitted and should not be sent to school.

Uniform is available to buy via Border Embroideries here.

School ties are available to purchase on Parent Pay at a cost of £5.

Your child may be eligible for a Clothing Allowance to help pay for school uniform. 


Our Parent Council run a nearly new Uniform Shop which was set up in 2018/2019 using Cost of the School Day Funds. You can recycle uniform items which are no longer required. The Parent Council host regular opportunities to display and purchase (small donation/ honesty box) uniform. If you require something specific, please speak with the school office who can contact a Parent Council member.


Please do not allow your child to wear jewellery or accessories to school. We also request that make-up and nail polish are saved for parties outside of school and at weekends! 

Messy Work

Lots of the experiences your child will have in school will be messy ones!  Please send them to school with an old shirt to use as a painting overall.

Outdoor Learning

The pupils have plenty of opportunities to learn outdoors. Please ensure they come to school with appropriate footwear and a warm jacket. Wellies and over trousers are also useful in the poor weather as our grass area can become particularly wet and muddy!