School Expectations
All staff in St David’s believe that all children are entitled to an education of the highest quality which is relevant and challenging; set in a safe, secure, nurturing environment. We aim to promote positive behaviour and early intervention.
We will promote the highest levels of citizenship so that the children can go forward with an independent joy of learning and team working skills which will serve them for life. We believe a whole school positive behaviour management approach is essential for effective teaching and learning.
At St David’s, our aim is to create a learning community where:
everyone has the right to learn and work in a safe environment and be treated fairly and with respect
everyone is responsible for supporting the rights of others and ourselves
we create a climate where everyone can learn and achieve
some rewards and sanctions are used to help us to take responsibility for our mistakes and support us to make the right choices in future
everyone is collectively responsible for building confidence among children to show empathy and understanding
we have clear and agreed methods of reporting and responding to incidents of behaviour both positive and negative.
Read more about our Vision, Values and Aims here.