
Children in P3, 4 and 7, who are practising Catholics, will be prepared to receive the Sacraments in school. Preparation for each Sacrament starts in January and follows a series of in-class lessons over a number of weeks. A home workbook also supports this learning and should be completed with families. Workbooks must be completed prior to receiving the Sacrament. Families are also encouraged to attend mass weekly. 

In P3, children prepare to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This Sacrament focuses on forgiveness- the child is forgiven by God and in turn is asked to forgive others. The children are asked to think about what they are sorry for and given time to reflect on this. 

This year's cohort will receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation on Tuesday 18th of March, St David's Church, 6pm.

In P4, the children are prepared to receive First Holy Communion. They learn about the consecration and the Holy Spirit's role in turning the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. This Sacrament is celebrated in our Parish Church, followed by a Communion breakfast prepared by our school families.  

This year, the children will receive Holy Communion on Saturday 24th of May, 10am St David's Church.  

In P7, the children make a commitment to God by completing the final Sacrament of Initiation as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. They children will learn about the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit and affirm their belief in God by reciting their baptismal promises. 

This year, the children, alongside St Luke's Primary School, will be confirmed on Saturday 7th Jun 2025, 6pm in St David's Church by Archbishop Leo Cushley. 

In P6, our children are working towards the Pope Francis Award. This award has been set up in order to allow children to show the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in action at home, in school and in the wider community. The award runs over a 2 year period, with a certificate being awarded at the end of primary 7 upon completion of the work. 


- Each Gift of the Holy Spirit is introduced to the children with links made to Scripture. They are given time to reflect on this through completing activities in class. 

- The children then decided on some actions they can do in school, at home and in the parish. Evidence of these actions are recorded in their workbooks (photographs, comments from adults etc). 

- Practising Catholics, will also be asked to complete some actions within the Parish. Father Andrew will play a role in helping the children with this award within the Parish. 

- A workbook will be kept in school and regularly sent home for families to add evidence and check on their child's progress. This is a working document which will be looked at in primary 7 to ensure the children have completed a variety of actions and have reflected on these. 

Any questions about Sacramental Preparation or Pope Francis Award please speak to Miss Smith via our school office 

( or 0131 271 4675) who can support you.