Customer Service
Midlothian Council is committed to providing high-quality customer service. We will always endeavour to get things right first time. We have standards in place which will set the expectation of the level of service customers can expect to receive as we want to make your contact with us a positive experience. You can find a copy of Midlothian Council’s Customer Service Charter here: Customer Service Charter .
We are always keen to hear the views and feedback of our families and wider community. We welcome comments and compliments about our interactions, your experiences with the school and also about the wonderful work our learners do in the local community! Please do take the time to share this information with us via the school office.
If something goes wrong or you are dissatisfied with our services, please contact the school in the first instance and give us an opportunity to discuss and resolve your issue. You can find a copy of Midlothian Council’s Customer Complaints Procedure here:
For our ELC, we ask that you follow our Complaints Procedure in the first instance. This procedure falls in line with our local authority practice and also details how you can log a complaint with Care Inspectorate. You can view a copy of our ELC procedure by clicking here.
Dignity at Work
Teacher professionalism is about teachers putting Professional Values at the heart of everything they do (GTCS, 2018). Being a teacher begins and ends with the Professional Values and how these are brought to life through teachers practice.
We are committed to improving the way we work. The GTCS sets out a clear set of common values and ways of working. We are dedicated to ensuring that each and every member of the St David’s Learning Community works in an inclusive and supportive working environment providing the highest standards of education and care. The St David’s Learning Community has a shared understanding of wellbeing and in the dignity and worth of every individual (Education Scotland, 2015). Staff across our Learning Community are enabled to live and act out their values in all that they do.
You can find a copy of our Dignity at Work policy here: Dignity at Work STAFF VALUES INTO ACTION-1vajev6