St David's Primary School

St. David’s is situated on the south side of Dalkeith in Kippielaw.  It is a one stream co-educational Roman Catholic Primary School for children of primary school age with a catchment area that serves Dalkeith, Eskbank, King’s Lines, Danderhall, Pathhead and surrounding areas. We continue to strengthen our links with St David’s RC Church and work closely with Father Andrew Garden. 

Our roll currently stands at 201 across 7 classes with a number of children accessing Shared Placements. P1-4 learners are accommodated in the main building, a purpose built, semi open plan school. This building contains four classrooms, Family Hub, Support for Learning Base, school hall and library. P5-7 learners are accommodated in the Upper School annexe, made up of three classrooms which were erected by Portakabin in 2018. Learners moved into this new building in January 2019. This has provided greater space and allowed us to improve the conditions for learning, with noise levels being reduced considerably. There are outdoor learning areas within the extensive school grounds which are utilised for both curricular and extra-curricular activities. Further work is required to landscape and maximise the use of this space. The ELC is self-contained and benefits from a separate entrance and landscaped garden.

At present, eleven teachers provide high quality learning experiences for learners. This includes a Head Teacher, Principal Teacher, Support for Learning teachers and visiting teachers for Art The school also benefits from visiting instructors who offer brass, woodwind and violin instruction for P6 and P7 learners and an English as an Additional Language (EAL) Assistant.

The school also employs the support of Administrative Assistants, Learning Assistants, Senior Child Care Development Worker and Early Years Practitioners. Cleaning and catering are contracted to the Midlothian’s catering and cleaning services. A crossing patrol operates at the entrance to the school on Lauder Road and there are various other crossing patrol points which serve the school along Lauder Road.

St David’s has a wide range of supports available to all learners and families. The school provides an extensive range of personalised, pastoral support responsive to the needs of individuals and their families. The school has widened its partnership working through PEF. It is currently able to provide additional therapeutic services through Play Therapy Base and Home Link Family Support.

Active Schools provide a range of after school clubs including basketball, football and dance. 

We have a strong working partnership with St David’s RC High School and feeder nurseries and provide rich opportunities to support transition from Nursery to Primary 1 and from Primary 7 to S1.

Visitors frequently comment on our happy and welcoming school and our well-mannered, engaged and enthusiastic learners. We have a strong staff team who are eager to drive improvements and improve outcomes for learners. The team are united and work well together. Leadership is promoted at every level and staff take collective responsibility for planning and evaluating the school’s progress. 

We are supported by our Parent Council who work exceptionally hard to support the school. Their efforts and contributions provide essential fundraising for school funds and assist with the development of key objectives. Some of their work this session has included delivery of Bikeability, hosting seasonal parties. We continue to work to widen participation and ensure authentic engagement for all parents/ carers to further strengthen our school community.